Friday, March 2, 2012

Google Street View under the Sea

After mapping the continents, ruins, rivers, etc where do you think Google Street View is headed for? It's the deep Oceans. Yes, Google is now going deep under the sea to explore the undersea views. For the first time the mysteries of the sea would be so technically broadcasted over the net and so many people would come to know of the magic of the sea world.

It's a joint venture between Google, University of Queensland and Catlin Group that Australia's Great Barrier Reef is going under the lenses of Google Street view. I would advice the viewers to check the catlinseaviewsurvey website to get to know more of it.

Check the introduction to the survey here:

 The survey wishes to carry out the first comprehensive study on documentation of the health and composition of the Great Barrier Reef. There will be three components of the survey:
  1. Photographing the reef in full 360 degrees panoramic vision by the use of the specially designed latest prototype of SVII camera. Images would be automatically analysed using image recognition software. The visual baseline shall be made freely available on Google.
  2. It will check the effect of climate change on the least known ecosystem of the planet - the deep sea reefs.
  3. The third component is the survey of mega fauna which would be led by shark researcher Richard Fritzpatrick. This is regarded as very important as this would examine how under sea animals change their distribution in response to rapid warming up.
Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg is the chief scientist overlooking all the three components. Hope it shakes the world!

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